Categorie: In CopertinaNews

Brexit, tuona la May: “Stop agli europei che cercano lavoro qui”

Lo scrive la premier britannica su Facebook: "Avremo di nuovo il pieno controllo sui nostri confini".

“Non sarà più permesso alle persone di arrivare qui – dall’Europa – nella remota possibilità che possano trovare un lavoro”. Parole pesanti usate dalla premier britannica Theresa May su Facebook dopo le contestazioni interne dei falchi euroscettici.

“Accoglieremo ancora – aggiunge la ministra – i professionisti qualificati che aiutano la nostra economia a prosperare, dai dottori alle infermiere, agli ingegneri e agli imprenditori ma, per la prima volta da decenni, avremo il pieno controllo dei nostri confini”.

Il piano elaborato dal governo britannico per la Brexit la settimana scorsa “significa la fine della libertà di movimento? Potremo siglare i nostri propri accordi commerciali? E il Regno unito sarà al di fuori della giurisdizione della Corte europea? Sono lieta di dire che le risposte sono molto semplici: sì, sì e sì”.

Theresa May così, sui suoi canali social, ribadisce le rassicurazioni fatte di fronte alle contestazioni degli ultimi giorni.

Di seguito il post integrale:

“Two years ago, the people of the UK spoke in greater numbers than ever before when they voted to leave the European Union.
Since then, my number one priority has been to give this country the Brexit it called for — and, with the plan being published on Thursday, we’re taking the next step towards doing just that.
Since the plan was agreed at Chequers last week, there’s been a lot of talk about what it all means.
When I think about the people I’ve spoken with over the past two years, and The Sun’s coverage of its readers’ concerns on Brexit, it’s clear to me that three questions come up more than any others.
Does it mean an end to freedom of movement? Will we be able to sign our own trade deals? And will the UK be outside the jurisdiction of the European Court?
I’m very pleased to say the answers are very simple: yes, yes and yes.
First, it will mean a genuine end to freedom of movement.
No longer will people be allowed to arrive here from across Europe on the off-chance that they might find a job.
We will always welcome the skilled professionals who help our country thrive, from doctors and nurses to engineers and entrepreneurs but for the first time in decades, we will have full control of our borders.
And it will be the UK, not Brussels, that decides who should be allowed to live and work here.
Second, we will have our own completely independent trade policy, our own seat at the World Trade Organisation and the ability to set tariffs and strike trade deals with whoever we please.
British goods and services are in huge demand internationally, so it’s no surprise that countries are queuing up to make trade deals with us after we leave the EU.
We are having good discussions with countries we would aim to sign trade deals with, including the US, as I will discuss with President Trump when he arrives in the UK on Thursday.
Third, our plan will take back control of our laws.
We will no longer be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union, instead, British judges in British courts will rule on our laws.
And while we will commit to have common rules with the EU on things like exhaust emissions and food safety, Parliament will have to agree these rules.
Put simply, such EU rules will no longer automatically and directly apply in the UK — Parliament will have a say.
It’s clear to me that this is the right Brexit deal for Britain, although there are, of course, some alternatives.
The EU’s preferred option — a standard, off-the-shelf trade deal for Great Britain with Northern Ireland in the customs union and parts of the single market — would break up our country.
The other option the EU suggests, a combination of EEA membership with continued membership of the customs union, would not be Brexit at all.
We would have no control over immigration, no ability to strike our own trade deals, and would still be liable for vast annual payments to Brussels.
And while we must prepare for the possibility of leaving without a deal, I’m clear that the best outcome — for both the UK and the EU — is a deal based on the ideas we are setting out on Thursday.
As for Labour, they are opening the door to a second referendum — ignoring the decision taken by the country and making it harder to get a good deal.
Only our Brexit deal for Britain truly respects the will of the British people.
And, as Prime Minister, it is the Brexit I am determined to deliver”.

Articoli scritti dalla Redazione.

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